Fitness, Physiotherapy, Chiropractor, Clinic Updates Dana Tostenson, MPT Fitness, Physiotherapy, Chiropractor, Clinic Updates Dana Tostenson, MPT

How CrossFit is Revolutionizing Modern Physiotherapy Practices

As our physiotherapist, Dana Tostenson likes to say “there are many languages of exercise, our goal is to find the one that best fits your situation”. Cross Fit has been popularized over the last 20 years due to its “game-ified” approach to traditional Olympic lifting, gymnastics, and cardio-intensive exercises. We think that this concept lends itself very well to rehabilitation.

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Worksafe and ICBC, Physiotherapy Dana Tostenson, MPT Worksafe and ICBC, Physiotherapy Dana Tostenson, MPT

Your Ultimate Guide to WorkSafe BC: Physiotherapy and Chiropractic Benefits

If you are suffering from a work-related injury, WorkSafe BC is here to support you in your rehabilitation so that you can get back to health and return to pre-injury work safely and in a timely manner. At Pursuit Physiotherapy, we offer seamless direct billing for our WorkSafe patients.

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